Our Services

Clean your hands with soap and water whenever possible. If you have to leave the house, think about carrying a disinfectant gel or spray with you to prevent the spread of viruses or bacteria. Apply it as many times as necessary in circular motions to ensure you reach every part of the hand.

Respect distancing of 1.5m both indoors and outdoors. Whenever you can, avoid crowds and crowded spaces.

Wear a mask

It is very important to use approved masks in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and to change or clean them regularly according to their specific instructions for use. There are various different types of mask:

Surgical: the duration they can be worn for may vary depending on the manufacturer, but the general recommendation is a maximum of 4 hours, and to change them if they become dirty and wet. These masks are designed to filter the exhaled air, thereby protecting the people around you. They are not reusable.

FFP2: this type of mask is suitable for the entire population. Its main characteristic is that it filters both inhaled and exhaled air, and thus protects both those who wear the mask and the people around them. The period it can be worn for varies depending on the manufacturer of the mask. They are not reusable.

FFP3: FFP3 masks are indicated for the most vulnerable or those who are part of a risk group. They provide the highest degree of protection since they filter the smallest particles. They are not reusable.

Hygienic: all reusable hygienic masks, both those for children and adults, must adhere to the agreed regulations, UNE 0065: 2020. In this way, we can guarantee a filtration greater than 90%, breathability less than 60Pa/cm2 and good protection coverage.

· Avoid sharing food and utensils

· Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes without first washing your hands

· Limit social life
Follow current sanitary restrictions and limit your social life. Reduce visits from friends or family who are not part of your bubble. Avoid unnecessary trips or those outside of your region.

· Clean, disinfect and ventilate the home
SARS-COV2 can survive on interior surfaces, but above all it is found in airborne particles. It is therefore important to disinfect the home and the most frequently used surfaces with the appropriate products and, above all, to ventilate closed spaces (open windows in all rooms of the home daily for a minimum of 10 minutes).

And if you have symptoms:
Call 061 / Salut Respon, have a consultation via the La Meva Salut App, contact your Primary Care Center
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